Liturgy of the Flowers - September 2022

Asters Mary's Birthday Flower Liturgy of the Flowers September

I remember two years ago, I had told my goddaughter that the asters she was seeing on her mountain hikes were called Mary's Birthday Flower as they often are in full bloom around September 8th, Our Lady's birthday. So she pressed some, and then she brought them to me. What a gift! If you see any of the flowers listed that bloom locally to you, think of pressing some and sending them to friends or family who live in a different climate and share the beauty of the liturgy of the flowers!

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Liturgy of the Flowers - August 2022

Welcome to my new series - Liturgy of the Flowers! Leading up to each new month, I will share some flowers that match well with the coming feast days. My hope is that with this fun information, you will be reminded of the presence of God even more throughout the month. 

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Choosing the correct art size for your wall

Do you know what size art will work best for the space you are decorating in your home?


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What is a Mary Garden?

What is a Mary Garden?

Mary Gardens have their roots in a spiritual imagination that recognizes the divine throughout creation. During the medieval Age of Faith, rural Christians bestowed names upon flowers and plants to symbolically represent Mary, the Mother of God, as well as the life of Christ, the saints and the liturgical year.

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Favorite Flowers and Religious Names

Favorite Flowers and Religious Names

Flowers have never been hard for me to love, and my new knowledge of their historical religious names makes loving flowers even easier. Here, in no particular order, are a few of my favorite flowers and their religious names. 

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A Trinitarian Meditation: Painting the Botanical Rosary

A Trinitarian Meditation: Painting the Botanical Rosary

I could follow the Son of God humbling himself through Obedient plant for the Finding in the Temple, sacrificing himself through the spotted petals of Christ's Bloody Knees (Tigridia) and reigning triumphant through the pure white of the Resurrection Lily. 
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And so at 4am on a night in December when me staying at home while living on a paltry student stipend and four different methods of income between the two of us looked impossible, I felt a cliche, but nevertheless true, moment of clarity. The fire was lit, and the confidence to start a shop full of artwork and truth was mine. 
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