A Trinitarian Meditation: Painting the Botanical Rosary

A Trinitarian Meditation: Painting the Botanical Rosary

When I set out to paint a set of botanical pieces following the mysteries of the rosary, I did so timidly as I normally do when I begin a painting. Doubt that I can bring imagination to reality via brush and paint always remains no matter how many paintings I finish. As I pushed past the doubt, a trinitarian experience awaited me, and I treasure the opportunity. I could feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit to paint a rosary through flowers. I could see God as the Father of creation, the maker of these natural masterpieces. I could follow the Son of God humbling himself through Obedient plant for the Finding in the Temple, sacrificing himself through the spotted petals of Christ's Bloody Knees (Tigridia) and reigning triumphant through the pure white of the Resurrection Lily. 

Katrina Harrington

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