Liturgy of the Flowers - September 2022

Asters Mary's Birthday Flower

Below are the flowers for several feast days in September. This month has many beautiful Marian feast days as well as the always fun Michaelmas. I remember two years ago, I had told my goddaughter that the asters she was seeing on her mountain hikes were called Mary's Birthday Flower as they often are in full bloom around September 8th, Our Lady's birthday. So she pressed some, and then she brought them to me. What a gift! If you see any of the flowers listed that bloom locally to you, think of pressing some and sending them to friends or family who live in a different climate and share the beauty of the liturgy of the flowers!

The list also includes flowers with a similar appearance in order to increase your chances of seeing any blooms and remembering the presence of God. 

September 5 - Saint Teresa of Calcutta
MARIGOLD, religious name: Mary's Gold
Marigolds symbolize celebration in India, and St. Teresa of Calcutta's grave is decorated with marigolds spelling out different thoughts for meditation.
  • similar flowers: Coreopsis, blanket flower, Calendula 
September 8 - The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
BLANKET FLOWERGaillardia pulchella, religious name: Mary's Face
ASTERAster amellus, religious name: Mary's Birthday Flower
  • similar flowers: purple coneflower, daisies, chamomile, chrysanthemums, ice plant
September 12 - The Most Holy Name of Mary
The name Mary, means, "bitter."
SORRELRumex acetosella, religious name: Mary's Bitter Sorrow
  • similar flowers: clover, black medic

DANDELIONTaraxicum officinal, religious name: Mary's Bitter Sorrow

  • similar flowers: sow thistle, hawksbeard, coltsfoot, hawkweed, flatweed
September 14 - The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
PHLOXPhlox paniculata, religious name: Christ's Cross Flower
  • similar flowers: Dame's rocket, Heartleaf bergenia, Cleome 
ENGLISH YEWTaxus baccataTree of the Cross
September 15 - Our Lady of Sorrows
DELPHINIUM, Delphinium ajacis, religious name: Mary's Tears
  • similar flowers: larkspur (Consolida ajacis), monkshood, Gladiolus, snapdragons, sweet peas
 BEARDED IRIS, Iris germanica, religious name: Mary's Sword of Sorrow
  • similar flowers: Douglas iris (Iris douglasiana), Dutch iris, Japanese iris, Siberian iris, Northern blue flag
More flowers representing the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady here. 
September 29 - Michaelmas, the Feast of the Archangels
AUTUMN CROCUS, Colchium autumnale, religious name: Michaelmas Flower
COSMOS, Cosmos sulphureus, religious name: Michaelmas Flower
  • similar flowers: anemones, Bush's poppy mallow, evening primrose
ASTERAster dummosus, religious name: Michaelmas Daisy
  • similar flowers: purple coneflower, other daisies, chamomile, chrysanthemums, ice plant
Katrina Harrington

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