Size: 5x7in - Cold Press Watercolor Paper

This is the original 5x7in painting "Cornflower, Flower of Mary," done in watercolor by Katrina Rose Harrington in May of 2024 when she did a flower study as she read through Fr. L. Gemminger's book, "Flowers of Mary," and painted one flower a day. 

Excerpts from “Flowers of Mary.” by Fr. L. Gemminger

- “This flower has a very rough calix, which indicates the difficulties which the imitation of Christ causes to sensual or carnal-minded Christian, as is expressed in these words: “How narrow is the gate, and straight the way, which leadeth to life.”

- “The corn-flower blooms not in the open fields, the meadows or in gardens, but hidden in cornfields, shunning, as it were, observation. Christ lived thirty years in retirement and appeared only three years in public; therefore, if we wish to imitate our Lord, we must love retirement and solitude. But you may object, and say, how can I do this with my large business, with my numerous family? In reply, I give you the answer which St. Thomas of Aquin gave to his sister, who asked him the question, ‘How can one be saved?’ He answered, ‘Volendo,’ only will it.”

- “The corn-flower grows in grain fields; namely, in rye and wheat fields. From wheat is prepared that bread of grace, which through the Divine Word: ‘This is my Body,’ is changed into the Body of our Lord, and becomes the food for our souls.”

- “The corn-flower springs up , although the husbandman sows but rye or wheat. Each year, a great number of these beautiful flowers rejoices his eye, and serves to decorate his house. This signifies, that, if you but follow Jesus by faithfully and conscientiously fulfilling the duties of your state and calling, the joys thereof will come of themselves; for the Lord will grant you consolation and peace.”

- “The corn-flower is blue; blue is the color of Mary’s mantle, and therefore should remind us of the Mother of God.”

To follow our Saviour, O let us endeavor
To keep His example before our eyes ever!
What though the path leads through labor and pain!
Light is the hardship compared with the gain!
Let us suffer what trials and sorrows we may,
God is all powerful, He will repay.
O Mary! we lift up our hands and implore!
Help us, of help us! till life’s journey is o’er!


    Your painting is packaged in a sturdy cardboard mailer or tube to ensure it is delivered safely to your door. Frames and props are not included in your purchase. 

    This paper and canvas matches Rose Harrington's commitment to deliver the best possible product. 



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